Friday, Jun. 7th, 2013 by Mike Peters
Source: http://www.grimmy.com/editorials.php
The comic shows a new birth baby who looks surprised and frightened holding by a doctor who is saying similar dialogue as the Miranda warning which the police say to criminals when arresting. The doctor mentions “remain silent” while the left side shows lots of cameras and microphones just like the journalists are interviewing and recording the baby. This looks like the doctor is warning the baby to be careful on what he says because he is under surveillance by the agents on the left after he is born. On the cameras, “FBI”, “NSA” and “CIA” are shown and they are all involved in the recent mass surveillance programs in US that are leaked by Edward Snowden. The two man on the left wear detective or agent‘s typical dressing like hat and sunglass and also headphone which audience will related that to overhearing.

Therefore, we can guess that the author is telling the audience that “FBI”,”NSA” and “CIA” are the one who watch the baby. The author is using this ridiculous scene to deride 2013 mass surveillance disclosures that FBI, NSA and CIA’s spying programs such as collecting user information and storing cellphone calls globally. The baby can represent the global or US innocent citizens. The author jokes that we have been watched and overheard since our birth and there is no privacy at all. Thus, the author is obviously against the surveillance programs. 

10/6/2013 10:23:55 pm

Yes, it's almost like the Miranda warning! It is quite scary to think that the government is monitoring everyone! I am a law abiding citizen, yet the government is likely to have more information on me than my parents do! Maybe the only way to escape is to live like a caveman in a faraway forest!

Denise Ng
10/13/2013 06:58:10 pm

It is really unbelievable that people have no private at all, as the"baby" is not only representing the people from the U.S., but also us, people around the world! However, it is sad that there is nothing we can do to stop this happening since the evidence held by Mr. Edward Snowden is not yet proven...

11/25/2013 09:24:59 pm

The metaphor used in this report is really well and impressive. The presentation way maybe a little bit exaggerated, but It is actually quite shocking and at the same time, sad to knowing that we are losing our privacy nowadays. Time to think on how to protect our privacy, especially in this advanced technology era.


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