Friday, Jun. 7th, 2013 by Mike Peters
Source: http://www.grimmy.com/editorials.php
The comic shows a new birth baby who looks surprised and frightened holding by a doctor who is saying similar dialogue as the Miranda warning which the police say to criminals when arresting. The doctor mentions “remain silent” while the left side shows lots of cameras and microphones just like the journalists are interviewing and recording the baby. This looks like the doctor is warning the baby to be careful on what he says because he is under surveillance by the agents on the left after he is born. On the cameras, “FBI”, “NSA” and “CIA” are shown and they are all involved in the recent mass surveillance programs in US that are leaked by Edward Snowden. The two man on the left wear detective or agent‘s typical dressing like hat and sunglass and also headphone which audience will related that to overhearing.

Therefore, we can guess that the author is telling the audience that “FBI”,”NSA” and “CIA” are the one who watch the baby. The author is using this ridiculous scene to deride 2013 mass surveillance disclosures that FBI, NSA and CIA’s spying programs such as collecting user information and storing cellphone calls globally. The baby can represent the global or US innocent citizens. The author jokes that we have been watched and overheard since our birth and there is no privacy at all. Thus, the author is obviously against the surveillance programs. 


Week 1 

Stephen Frug - CentoStephen Frug - Cento
Source: http://www.exercisesinstyle.com/guests/

         I like Stephen Frug's Exercise in Style: Cento. The change of characters and styles which is taken from various comics and books fascinates me. As the character keeps changing in the comic strip, the story seems combining scenes from different time and space. For example, the first strip shows Harry Potter sitting in front of a computer and it seems like he is talking to someone else. However, the next scene shows another man standing behind the chair and the background is obviously not the same as the first scene. Even though the characters, backgrounds and moods have changed, they are connected by the dialogues and similar events and can still successfully be combined to form a whole clear story. Like the middle left strip showing the dialogue “what time is it?” can used to connect the next scene’s dialogue “it’s 1:15”.It’s interesting to notice that actually whenever we look at things that put together, we are intended to connect them by searching for the cause and effect. When we see the character standing in front of the door (top right corner) and see another character stays out of the room (middle left), we will immediately assume the character has walked out from the room even though we do not see the whole process.

          The last two strips also remind me the off-screen space of cinema. By looking from left to right, it seems that the camera pans to right to show the off-screen space and reveals the person behind the character.



    Hi ~ I am Melody.
     I like to draw and watch movies. I also like to watch animation, especially the independent or weird one. One of my favorite animation studios is STUDIO 4℃ which is famous for its unique style.

    Studio 4°C's animated film:
    "Mind Game" Trailer


    十月 2013
    九月 2013

