"Flower Power" by Bernie Boston
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flower_Power_(photograph)
This is a famous anti-war photo by Washington Star photographer Bernie Boston. It is taken on 21 Oct, 1967. At that time, a non-violence protest against the Vietnam War is held. The title "Flower Power" was actually "the slogan used for the symbol of passive resistance and non-violence ideology"(Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flower_power). The photo shows a young man putting flowers into the gun barrel of the National Guard. The contrast between the harmful deadly weapons and the pure, harmless flowers is so large. Although the flowers are so fragile compared to the powerful guns, the flowers still have equal or even more powers against the guns. The flowers symbolize the hope of peace of the citizens and the guns symbolize the heartless, ongoing Vietnam War. This photo is nominated for the 1967 Pulitzer Prize (Ref:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flower_Power_(photograph) ) because it is the decisive moment of one of the most important American History that the American citizens fight against war in a peaceful and civilized way. The photo is captured at a high angle so that both the Nation Guard and the protestors can be clearly seen. It is still used nowadays to promote the anti-war concept but ironically, American still has several wars after the Vietnam War has ended. Some of the wars are still ongoing and American President Obama has even recently proposed to have a war on Syria. But obviously the American people are not with Obama this time after suffering in numerous wars in America. 
Hilda Yeung
10/5/2013 11:52:48 am

I am shocked when I see this photo. From the soldier's perspective, it is a disrespectful action if people put the flowers into their 'comrades'. I really appreciate what the man did.

Using different angle can create different views and emotions to the audience.I agree that the contrast between weapons and flowers is huge. If the photo was taken from the bottom, it may not come as a shock when only part of weapons and little flowers were captured. By taking the photo at the top, it can capture more story at that moment and emphasize how brave the man was when he was surrounded by the soldiers with the deadly weapons.

10/6/2013 10:26:23 pm

Really love that you did the research and give the readers a lot of information! There is certain elements of romanticism in this photo: the romance of idealism. It's a shame that the soldier on the top left corner is ready to take the flower away!

Nicole Lee
10/7/2013 01:33:19 am

I also agree that this is a persuasive photo as it successfully built up the great contrast between the weapons and the flower. It is common for people to fragile flowers to represent peace as they think that flowers can represent hopes and new lives. But when I saw this photo, the first thing came to my mind was that the fragile flower can be easily destroyed by the guns, which means the hope may never come true. It is quite heart-wrenching.

Denise Ng
10/13/2013 06:40:15 pm

I have the same feelings with Hilda and Nicole as I'm also shocked by this heart-wrenching photo. In fact, the huge contrast between the flowers and the weapons remind me of a popular photo (taken by Jeff Widener) which captured the "Tank Man". He was a person who tried to stop the advance of a column of tanks on June 5, 1989, in Beijing. (source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_Man). Although the background of these two photos are completely different, they are also able to create a strong contrast between the strong side (government) and the weak side (protesters).

April Wong
10/17/2013 04:34:59 pm

This is such a powerful photo that made me have a self-reflection about warfares. From my own perspective, I think this photo shows how powerless people are when they are facing warfares: not only are the men who put flowers on guns, but also the soldiers, maybe they don't want to start the war too!

10/24/2013 02:33:22 pm

I love this picture.

The first time I saw it is when i still in secondary school and my music teacher show me a performance of Madonna about anti-war.At first,I was very shock when I see the origin of that photo because when my teacher show me the performance i was thinking this is a "show move" created to entertain.But when i saw the origin, I was very impress with the gesture. And I think we can see how powerful it was when the image is still reproduced even now


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