Source :牢籠狹小-問題巨大/
The poor in cages
While you are living in a comfortable flat with your family, could you imagine that there are more than 170,000 people living in the cages in this 21st century? [1]  In your daily life, have you noticed that there are many people living in such bad environment and surrounding you? Or like the first four photos, you just walk away and ignore the problem? 

Housing problem in Hong Kong is getting more serious nowadays. In the past two years, the housing price rose dramatically. The poor could not afford to pay the high rents. The only way for them to survive is the inadequate housing. However, according to the government’s report, the number of people who live in the inadequate housing have significant decreased in these years. If it is true, why there are so many people need to live in a flat that only has 40 meter square to maintain their daily needs? The answer obviously is NO! No one would like to live in a cramped, dirty and unsafe condition. 

In order to gain the public attention to improve the living environment of this group of people, the designer created three cage homes’ model and put them on different streets to attract people’s gaze. Since the models are so small, many people just passed by the models, showing that the models are easily neglected by the people. This symbolizes the actual living size of the poor and their situation – they are the minority  and did not get the attention from the society.

This photo series carries a powerful message to alert the government that they should take action immediately to solve the housing problem. The creative team tries to to use this raise public attention about the social issue. After raising the attention and gaining the extensive media converges, the team wants to force the present government to think about what they have promised to do with the hosuing problem when they took office, urging them to look at the problem deeply and seriously. Additionally, they also hope that citizen would notice the housing problem in Hong Kong is so “Big” while looking at the “small” cramped cage homes so as to offer more help and assistance to this group of people.  

[1] Report of Society of Community Organization 

10/26/2013 03:44:17 pm

At first, I think the little cage in this photo essay is quite cute because of its tiny size. However, when I look at these photos more carefully, I realize that the message it contains is so serious as there are many people affected by the housing problem in Hong Kong. I hope that more people can have a look at this photo essay!

11/2/2013 10:46:10 pm

Was this an exhibition? It is terrible but also reality-shaking to see the physical object of being in a caged home. I guess for many (I included), living in a caged home is an abstract concept of someone living in poverty. But actually seeing the condition is a different matter!

11/22/2013 08:22:48 pm

I wish I can see this figures in the streets! I cant imagine how hard life will be when living in this kind of environment. I think these figures deserves to be put in a more public and big exhibition, and let more people aware of the housing problems in Hong Kong.

11/24/2013 02:22:51 am

Oh, I have seen its exhibition in the shopping mall but all those small cages are placed in a glass box. It is much more powerful when it is placed on the street because all things around the cage are bigger than it and this helps emphasizing how small the cage is.


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