Matt Madden: Exorcise in Style
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Same storyline with different genres, different characters and different point of views can create many variations.  From the various variations of Exercise in Style, I like Exorcise in Style most with the following reasons.

The first reason is about the use of color. Colors can create different perceptions for human. Before reading the texts, people can already predict which comic genre is by looking at the theme color. For example, blue represents peaceful, white represents pure, and so on. For most people, red is associated with danger, horror, blood and etc.  Dull yellow is associated with caution. When these two colors and the other dark colors are used together, they created a terrific feeling for this story. When comparing with the template, the template is so flat and dull by using black and white only, which leaves people boring impression and not much emotion can be created. However, making good use of colors is also vital for creating a 'right' emotion. If this comic used the light colors like pink and orange, it cannot create a scared atmosphere.

The second reason is the use of description on the top of the frames. Even though this piece of comic keeps the original storyline, it added more descriptions on each frame, which create a different perception on the story.  Unlike most of the comics only use dialogue and images to present the story, making good use of descriptions can help the readers to have better understanding on the story and lead them to the author’s expected atmosphere. For example, if we hid the description by just looking at the second frame, we may imagine that the man was looking at somewhere only. However, by adding the description like “Unknown Force” and “Inexorably”, it created a mysterious atmosphere on it.  It also aroused readers’ curiosity to finish reading. From this, we can see that words can influence how a person interprets a story and their perspectives.

Last but not least, the whole idea of this piece of comic is the reason why I like it .  When comparing with the template, this one is much more attractive and exciting.  The original one is so flat that simply describe what is happening on the main character without any climax.  For me, the original one stay in my mind for short period only while this piece of comic lasts longer.  By adding different elements like colors and extra descriptions on the same storyline, it totally changed the story genre from (maybe) comedy into horror, creating another experience for the audience.  It also surprised me because I couldn't imagine how the author can use the same storyline to create a totally different genre, but turn out he succeeded. 

I appreciated this idea because it perfectly showed how words and images cooperate each other to create another level of enjoyment and experience for the audience with the same storyline. It also presented how colors can influence one’s perspective and its importance on building story atmosphere as well.