Guard the last hope. Never succumb to puppet government!

     In September 2012, ten thousands of demonstrators participated in the anti-national education protest outside the government headquarter.  This photo was published on a local magazine iMoney in September, one of the winning photos of the “Focus at the Frontline 2012” photography competition.

     Hong Kong is known as a democratic city, which enjoys a high degree of freedom, including a free press, the right to assemble and transparent. Yet, the government in Beijing repeatedly intervenes the Hong Kong policies after Mr. Leung Chun-ying (C.Y. Leung) is appointed as Hong Kong chief executive in 2011.  National education is one of the controversial issues after he inaugurated.  The introduction of national education has been criticized as an attempt to brainwash the city's children to praise and appreciate the Mainland China.

     Color can create people’s emotion towards something. Black has the symbolic meaning of sadness and anger. From the photo, all protesters wore the black T-shirt and the government headquarter had been surrounded by them. This created a black sea of people which making the photo looks dark and dim. Moreover, all the people gestured a cross to show their refusal for the launching of compulsory national education in primary and secondary schools. Although the faces of protesters were not being seen clearly, viewer can still feel how hopeless and angry the protesters were towards the HKSAR government from the photo.

     As the photo is dark, the flash in the centre is prominent. This creates a big contrast between the flash and the theme color. The white flash in the centre just likes the only hope for the Hong Kong people. People surrounded it seems trying to protect this last hope not to be destroyed by the government. This flash also symbolizes the Hong Kong’s democracy.  Hong Kong has only left this little piece of democracy since 1997 handover. If this flash is stuffed, there is no more democracy and freedom in Hong Kong future. At last, Hong Kong will only be the puppet of Mainland China forever.

     To conclude, this message of this photo is powerful. It succeeds to carry a strong message and emotions to the viewers, which helps the non-participants to understand and make a reflection about this issue.

11/2/2013 10:48:30 pm

A great choice! This is so much more powerful than see faces of protestors shouting or holding up their fists! The quietness and orderly manner of the protestors tell the world that they are using the most rational method to fight for something they believe in!

11/29/2013 11:12:53 pm

First, I have to say that this photo is really a great shot. Not only the composition of the photo is great, but also the meaning behind the photo. First, seeing a huge number of cross gestured by human hand, I can really feel their anger, and their strong desire to say NO to national education. Also, in my opinion, the flashlight in the centre really looks like something that is being protected by the people.


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