"Animal Equality demonstration in Barcelona for 'World Meat Out Day'"
, by James Wardell, 20 March, 2012. Source: http://www.demotix.com/news/1115640/animal-equality-demonstration-barcelona-world-meat-out-day/all-media
Fear of ‘Meat’

The heading of this photo essay is "Animal Equality demonstration in Barcelona for 'World Meat Out Day", it’s created by a photo journalist named James Wardell in Spain last year. He captured the moment while ‘Animal Equality’, an international animal right organization, was holding a demonstration for the 'World Meat Out Day' in Barcelona. The goal of the demonstration was to raise public awareness and persuade them to stop eating meats by the simulation of raw meat production in supermarkets. This photo essay is composed of photos that was captured in different parts of the demonstration, including the ‘human meat’ making process (Figure 1 to 5) and the final ‘product’ (Figure 6 to 7).

By the means of terrifying audience, the composition details of this photo essay have created a persuasive message, which is “be aware of animal rights, and to stop killing animals and eating meats”. Firstly, the subjects (demonstrators) of the photos are very shocking and terrifying, the bloody images of ‘human meat’ is able to lead the audience to imagine how terrible it would be if the same thing we did to the animals is applied to human. Secondly, blood is an element that appeared in every photo. Moreover, the colour of blood looks sharper under the sunlight. By the use of repetition, along with the accented red colour of blood in a bright environment, the photo journalist have highlighted the bloody image of selling animal meat. Thirdly, all of the photos have close-up image of subjects. This have increase the intensity of the power of the images. In addition, the photographer have adopted the low angle in Figure. 3 and 4, this have almost created a first person experience to the audience by leading them to imagine being packed like the animals.

The photo journalist have successfully delivered his message through the arrangement of components in the photo essay. As an audience, I felt shocked at first and start to feel guilty when I make reflection on how human treat the animals cruelly.

10/25/2013 03:06:19 am

This photo essay is so scary and shocking. The idea of showing human meat as animal meat being sold at supermarket is imaginative. The aim of this photo essay is also positive. However, the use of fear is abused. Even though it is impressive and humbling, it will lead to some negative effect. And what it promotes is somehow unachievable, making the promotion a little bit useless. Can we/mankind really stop eating meat?

10/26/2013 11:19:12 pm

This photo essay is very scary. Although the intention to raise the public awareness about human right, it still lead to some negative effect towards the viewer. Like me, I am afraid to see any blood. It is really disgusting and horrible, which makes me feel uncomfortable now.

10/27/2013 04:14:05 am

This photo essay is impressive to me,not only the bloody images of ‘human meat’ are terrible,but also their facial expressions .They use their body to act like animal meats in order to tell us stop eating meat.I think it is creative to use this method to arouse people attention toward this issue.But this may also bring some negative feeling for some people .Thus ,they should make a balance between these two elements.

Karin Chow
10/31/2013 08:58:06 pm

I have read an article about an artist use his own fat from liposuction to make meat ball and eat them by himself to remind people not to waste food. People try to use their own body to promote something as it seems to be the most effective way to make alert. But most of these actions are disgusting and horrifying.
OK...I don't want to eat meat today!

11/2/2013 10:36:38 pm

Wow, they have really taken a step too far! Contrary to you, I actually feel alienated from the organization. I am happy to go vegetarian (on most days), but this protest made me felt like being 'rebellious' to have a big burger!

11/22/2013 08:15:43 pm

wow the pics are really scary......I think the intention of the event is good, it can make people rethink of the raw meat they are buying in the supermarket, but its going way too violet and people may resist to get the real meaning of their event!

11/23/2013 08:33:14 pm

The photos are powerful and have a strong statement of asking people not to eat meat. It is true that some methods of killing animals are not humane but it's hard for people to stop eating any meats. When people eat meat, they are not eat in the slaughterhouse so they will not relate the delicious meat to the violently killed animals. Therefore,it's a good idea to show the raw meat production in front of the public and to catch people's attention. However,it's obvious that some audience may feel uncomfortable about it.


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