图片Personification, by Matt Madden. Source: http://www.exercisesinstyle.com/images/exercise/98-personification.gif

Looking into Matt Madden's website, many comics with similar captions are shown. Most of them are interesting and creative, I never thought that there are so many ways to tell a story. One of the comics in the website has left a deep impression in my mind, the title of this comic is one of the most popular rhetorical devices, which is “Personification”.

In fact, the images of this comic are not very special when it is compared with other comics in the website, the images are even completely the same as some other comics (e.g. the Template) written by Matt Madden. However, comparing with those comics, you can see that this comic has a totally different expression or point of view when you look into details. 

The whole story of this comic focuses more on the objects (that we usually neglect), like the computer, the hat and the refrigerator rather than the main character. Nearly all of the objects in the comic are personified and “they” are all able to “speak”. From the thought and speech bubbles and also the interaction between the male character and the objects, it gives us a brand new idea of what the point of views of the objects are if “they” can really feel or talk. For example, in the beginning of the comic, the laptop yawned and asked the male character if “he” can go to sleep or not as he was tired. Another interesting example is that the refrigerator told the male character that “he” is losing “his” cool. 

I think that this comic is really amusing and inspiring. From the illustration of personification, it reminds me that viewing things from different angles can be so funny and memorable, and is able to leave a deep impression in readers’ mind.