Figure 1, 22 Oct, 2013. Source: Apple Daily, http://static.apple.nextmedia.com/images/apple-photos/apple/20131022/rphoto/1382408093_d924.jpg
Figure 2, 22 Oct, 2013. Source: Takungpao, http://news.takungpao.com.hk/hkol/topnews/2013-10/1981847.html
On 22nd October, 2013, Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun Ying has made responses regarding to the issue on free-to-air television license as he is being accused of overruling Exco over HKTV licence. Figure 1 is the news photo posted by Apple Daily, and figure 2 is posted by Takungpao. The two news photos are reporting on the same subject (Leung Chun Ying), but are completely different. Figure 1 captured Leung Chun Ying only when he is delivering his speech, while figure 2 is taken when he is standing in front of different groups of protester and receiving the petition submitted by the HKTV staffs.

In figure 1, since only the close-up image of Leung Chun Ying is captured, his facial expression can be seen very closely and clearly. At that time, Mr. Leung is looking down and using his fist to cover his mouth, so he looks quite tired and upset, just like he has done something wrong. This close-up photo suggests the importance of the subject, Leung Chun Ying, and leads readers to focus on his sad looking image.

On the other hand, figure 2 can let readers to see the whole picture. Leung Chun Ying is facing away from the camera, he stands very close to the protesters and it seems that he is reading the petition given by the HKTV staffs. The long shot image of Leung Chun Ying shows the closeness between him and the protesters, together with his actions (bows his head slightly to read the petition), this photo shapes a "caring" image of Leung Chun Ying to the readers. It shows that Leung Chun Ying is willing to listen to the protesters and cares for what they expressed.

At last, although figure 1 and 2 are related to the same subject, they shows a large contrast of the image of Leung Chun Ying by posting photos with different contents, focuses and compositions.

11/2/2013 10:38:58 pm

Your analysis gave me a different perspective! I'd have thought Apple Daily provided photo 2 (not photo 1) to show the disagreement of the people! But you are right, maybe Taikungpao wants to give the CE a close-to-people image! Well-done!

11/25/2013 09:50:12 pm

Your analysis is great! It is true that sometimes journalist would like to select something that they want to report and create the story. It is a kind of framing story. Sometimes, we need to read more newspaper from different media in order to minimize the effect of framing and gatekeeping.


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