Barack Obama Cartoon, by Michael Ramirez. Source: http://www.usnews.com/cartoons/barack-obama-cartoons?s_cid=news:ft:2&int=3857ad
Obama or Miley on the stage?

This piece of political cartoon is found in the website of U.S. News & World Report. The cartoon symbolically focuses on the issue of the controversial national health care reform in the United States, which is also known as the “ObamaCare”. It is indicated by the words “ObamaCare “written on the foam finger of the main character. For the first time you look at the main character in the middle of the stage, you might misunderstand that “she” is Miley Cyrus, a famous American actress and singer. It is because the character is wearing the same outfit with Miley Cyrus at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards (VMA). However, when you look into details, you can notice the significant ear shape of the main character, and it indicates that “she” is actually the President of the United States, President Obama.

From the settings and characters, this cartoon literally focuses on the contradiction in the national health care plan and it can effectively persuade the audience by portraying a negative image of President Obama. Firstly, the author expressed his contradiction towards the ObamaCare by creating confusion between Miley Cyrus and President Obama. Recently, Miley Cyrus has received a lot of criticism towards her revealing clothes and indecent actions in her performance at the MTV VMA, so the Miley Cyrus-like Obama insinuate that President Obama is also criticized by the public with his health care reform.

Secondly, in the cartoon, all the audience at the back are shouting at the main character with different negative words, like “repulsive”, “sickening”, and “dreadful”. It reflects that ObamaCare also has received a lot of negative comments from the public of the United States due to its potentials to offend the personal freedom and increase the taxes etc.

At last, the thinking bubble in the cartoon stated “Oh Yeah. They are so loving this.”, and the word “loving” is in red colour uniquely. The author illustrated irony to stress his opposite opinion with the main character, which is President Obama and the ObamaCare.

 The author uses a humorous way to persuade the audience by showing how the main character (Miley-like Obama) continues to perform (promote ObamaCare) even though most of the audience (the public of the United States) do not really like it.


Adrian Chow
10/26/2013 07:02:34 pm

I can't believe I didn't seen this one first! I love this cartoon!

Although I don't agree with the comment to Miley and Obama.I think the transformation of Miley is a huge success and Obamacare is hugely misrepresented by what the republican said about it.

I think it was a genius way to put Miley and Obama together to express the view of the cartoonist.It was funny and clever to put these two situation together which have a lot of similarity that I never think of before.

11/2/2013 10:40:29 pm

This is a great choice! Do you think the cartoon was published in a conservative or democratic newspaper? But this is really clever to show that Obama is enjoying himself in the spotlight as well!

Not Amused
7/15/2017 11:02:47 am

This is a complete misrepresentation of the American people. If you look statistically (which most Republicans don't apparently believe in truthful FACTS), The Affordable Care Act has an approval rating of over 50% of Americans, insuring almost 18 million Americans with over 8 millions insurance options.
Look at the fact people and quit being soundbite eaters


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