Where Children Sleep - James Mollison(2011)
This photo essay is called Where Children Sleep, created by James Mollison. In the synopsis, he stated that it aimed to tell the stories of diverse children around the world by portraits and picture of their bedroom. He came up with the idea when he and his friend talk about children’s right, he instantly think about his bedroom. It was very significant to his childhood and reflected to what he had and who he was so he think that it would be a good idea to address the situation affecting children around the world. [Source:http://www.jamesmollison.com/wherechildrensleep.php]

When I first look at the photo essay, the first thing I noticed is some of the picture are very bizarre and cartoonish. For example, Jasmine, a 4 years old children queen who lived in Kentucky. The fake, standardize smile and the room which looks like where a Disney princess live. It reminds me of Honey Boo Boo, the reality star, also a child pageant queen.


Second, when I look at some picture form the place that I am more familiar like this one from Yunnan, China. Not only that he had a poster of Mao Zedong and he dressed he is from the time of Cultural Revolution in his portraits.


There are also a lot of different little details that seems really odd like you will see that children form third world country have dirt in their face and they look messy compare to children who are living in more wealthy places are very nice and clean.

It makes me wonder, does this photo really truly reflected what is going on with these children or the prejudgment of the photographer actually makes the photo distorted from the reality and try to make a “statement”.

The official website did not feature the background of the children, if you want to see more details please go to: http://issuu.com/chrisboot/docs/where_children_sleep_by_james_mollison, where you can watch the whole book in flash.

10/26/2013 11:03:43 pm

I was shocked by the photos. It reflected the diversity of different country children. I really like the third room because there are lots of toys for me to play. :D

However, if we look more deeply, we may discover that the photographer may construct his own perception inside the photos. Just like what Adrian mentioned, some photos look unrealistic and fake. Also, each country has the rich and the poor. The child in the photo doesn't mean that all children in that country enjoy the same living standard. Yet, the photos still give us some knowledge about different nationality.

11/2/2013 10:27:11 pm

Hahahahaha...I have absolutely no problem with Adrian!

This is a very powerful photo series! Yes that girl reminded me of Honey Boo Boo as well (the worst TV show on earth)! But you are right, even though the photographer might have meant well, but the photographs just made me think of the wealth gap in this world. I felt that I was also quick to judge the 'excessiveness' of some rooms, but then when I look around, I also have so much!

Denise Ng
11/29/2013 10:54:08 pm

I think that the photographer is choosing the photos to reflect his own opinion.

After I have watch the photos, the first impression I have is that most of the children in the photo do not have a smile that a children should carry. It makes me think that may be the photographer have choose the photos to show his opinion that the problem of children's right is very serious.


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