Right after learning this week portfolio topic, the first cartoon comes to my mind is this one created by Mike Luckovich back in 2011.

         This cartoon is based on a series of debate on Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories which caught public attention because Donald Trump making different statements about the birthplace of  Barack Obama.At that time, Donald Trump said that he considers running for President, so it is believed that he tried to attack his competition.

         The artist used the artistic techniques of irony and exaggeration to help proving the point.By exaggerating the signature hairstyle of Donald Trump at the left side,the readers can immediately get the ideas of who were portrayed in the cartoon and bring more comedy factor to the cartoon. 

          Besides, the artist created an imaginary saturation that Trump listening to the results of an opinion poll that shows "97% question whether your hair was born in this country".This used the technique of irony by mocking the publics rather believe that Trump hair is a wig and made from others country compare to the president were not born in United States.

         The point of view of the cartoonist can easily seen by the way he mocking the saturation is that he thinks that the way Trump going after Obama  after the he had already released the birth certificates back in 2008 is ironic and the motivation is questionable.

         I think that it was an awesome cartoon because the way the cartoonist portraying the saturation can easily catch the attention of the audience.They can also get how ironic of the event were which was which the cartoonist tried to prove in a very short period of time.

Matt Madden's '99 Ways to tell a story: Exercises in styles' 

          After reading more comics form Matt Madden’s website, I like the one created by Craig Gassen most.

          The first reason is because it did not change too much thing form the original comic but it still turn the whole story upside down. In this comic, the artist simply just change the image and added two thinking cloud in the first two frame and the story become completely different compare to the original one.

           The second reason is the storyline of the comic. When compare to the original one which is a very lightweight everyday story, this story have more unpredictability in it and that fascinates me. By adding two introduction thinking bubble to the character, the story opens up to a lot of interpretation. The main character can be a serial killers waiting to murder the female (he is creating his alibi), he can be a crazy scientist that try to do different evil human experiment (the organs in the fridge) or he can be a secret agent that have to go on a mission and cannot wait to go back to his lover who is waiting for him. It did not shows everything in the storyline so that the reader can have their own interpretation to the story and bring imagination to the reader by not showing everything and they can decide how the story goes afterward.

           The last reason is the image of the comic, it created a mysterious feeling by not showing any face and just the hands of the main character and the organs in the fridge. In this way, it instantly shows a film-noir feel which is good compare to some others work have to do so much change and require reader to have a lot of thinking to get the idea of the comic.