Figure 1 Source: SCMP http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1317566/former-icac-chief-timothy-tong-grilled-spending-lawmakers
Figure 2 Source: Ta Kung Pao http://news.takungpao.com.hk/hkol/topnews/2013-06/1660193.html
          Former ICAC chief Timothy Tong was being asked questions on spending during his reign by the lawmakers in Legco. Two photographs were taken from SCMP and Ta Kung Pao respectively for analysis.

          Figure 1 was taken from SCMP, showing Tong holding his hands and slightly lowered his head. This showed his tiredness and guiltiness. The lighting was dim, which made him look like a bad guy with lots of unrevealable secrets. The lighting also emphasized his face. From his facial expression, it can be found that he was confused and maybe worried. As a whole, the photograph created a negative image for Tong. 

          However, for the same issue, figure 2, which was taken from Ta Kung Pao, was very different from the previous one. In this photo, Tong was speaking confidently. He was holding a fist in front of him, making him appeared to be strong and powerful. Compared to figure 1, the lighting in figure 2 is much brighter, making Tong seemed like a good guy. Obviously, figure 2 was trying to create a positive image for Tong.

          The two photographs were carefully selected by the editors of SCMP and Ta Kung Pao respectively. For SCMP, its political stance is relatively unclear. Therefore, it chose a photo showing Tong looked bad as he was accused. In contrast with SCMP, ta Kung Po was funded by PRC and was known as a pro-government newspaper. It explained why its editor chose a photo that might help the Former ICAC chief to rebuild his image.
10/6/2013 10:31:16 pm

These are excellent choices! From the same hearing, we can really see the stances of the newspapers quite clearly! In the first photo, Tong looks really like a criminal with the police investigative light on top of his head! Do you think the photos are enough to persuade their readers?

10/12/2013 07:24:24 pm

Hello :)
Personally I think the SCMP photo has done his job better than the Ta Kung Pao one. I think what the SCMP photo gives me is the worrying, confusing face of Tong. Like what Alice said, it is really like a CSI interrogating scene!

However, for the latter one, Tong looks tired and old to me. It is more like Tong is struggling a "proper" answer to the people in the Legco. Maybe a photoshop job can be done before publishing? Maybe the photographer can take this photo with its angle a bit lower so readers can "look up to him"?

10/12/2013 10:30:30 pm

It is so funny to see the difference of mood between the 2 photos! It shows the importance of lighting in photography. The upper photo is in higher contrast and has a under lighting. This lighting style is frequently used in horror film to show a scary and creepy feeling. While the lower photo is in gentle lighting which makes Timothy Tong less treacherous. Timothy Tong's gestures in the 2 photos also show different feelings that the upper photo looks like a bad guy planning his next trickery and the lower photo shows his confidence like Nicole said.

Adrian Chow
10/24/2013 02:42:54 pm

The comparison is awesome.People always think that different political standpoint from different paper and this is the perfect example to show that it does. The SCMP one looks really creepy and when you saw that you would think that this man is up to something. On the other hand the Ta Kung Pao one really looks like he is come back fighting these accusation.

10/26/2013 10:41:18 pm

The comparison of two photos is great. Besides successfully encoding the message from the photo, sometimes we can also identify the media's political stand from the photos as well, distinguish them from "the left", "the right" and "neutral". To judge whether the report is critical or not, sometimes we can think about the relationship between the new report's nature and the media's political stand as well.


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