Privacy Apathy by Political Cartoonist Rick McKee
          The editorial cartoon “Privacy Apathy” was released after Edward Snowden revealed that the US government keeps spying on its people’s personal communication, including emails and phone calls.

          In the cartoon, there are two men. The man in black who looked like a spy in movies held a suitcase with the words “NSA” on it represented the National Security Agency (NSA), and it gives a background to the cartoon that it was happened in America. So, the other man who dressed like a construction worker can be interpreted as representing the general public of the America.

          From the dialogue of the construction worker, it can be found that he did not care much about his privacy as he thought he had nothing to hide. But then, when he tried to tell the man who is representing NSA about his daily conversation with his friend, he found that he had already know it.

          This editorial cartoon aimed at raising the awareness of the American people in protecting their own privacy from the government. The author was trying to show the audiences how horrible and serious it will be if the person who is beside you may know every single piece of details of your life, even the casual conversations with friends. It also showed the negative attitude of the author towards the intrusion of personal privacy of the US government. Therefore, the author is trying to tell the audiences that even there is nothing to hide, it is still important and they still have the right to keep their personal data and privacy to their own.



10/6/2013 10:28:46 pm

This is so funny! A great choice! When we think about it, the government claims that they have to listen to all the conversation to find out 'important' information, they must be going crazy listening to really silly conversation! But then you are right, they still have no right to listen to my silly conversation with my dog!

10/13/2013 12:32:14 am

The idea that some people do not care about privacy leakage reminds me of the concept of surveillance art. The artists want to raise people's awareness about the popularity of surveillance and have some critical responses about that. I agree that It is important to protect privacy because leakage of it may makes our life in danger.

10/26/2013 03:13:01 pm

Hi Nicole~ This political carton has the same theme with the one Melody analyzed@@ Both of cartoons adopted a humorous way to express negative feeling towards the intrusion of personal privacy of the US government!

11/25/2013 09:33:10 pm

This is a funny editorial cartoon. I think the editor want to point out the important message - the US government has no right to listen to the citizen's phone call. It is an very crazy action.


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