Exorcise in Style by Matt Madden
    I like the comic “Exorcise in Style” most. I like it because it is so interesting and dramatic. The original comic is describing the flat life of a man, which is realistic but boring. But for “Exorcise in Style”, it described the dramatic and horrifying night of the same man, which is unrealistic but very interesting. It can be found that using different angles to see the same thing can lead to different interpretation and conclusion. This reminded me that we can always make our lives more interesting by experiencing it in another way.

     Compare with the template, this piece of comic kept the original storyline, but added much more descriptions for each frame and had made some modifications on the pictures. These effectively created a totally different atmosphere for the story, and showed that both words and images can have great influences on how people interpret a story.

     The template simply described the daily life of a man who stays up late. The plot is flat and there is nothing special for the atmosphere.  But in “Exorcise in Style”, the artist successfully created a horrible atmosphere by adding excessive shadows to the pictures. This created a mysterious and scary feeling. Also, with similar dialogue, the adding of descriptions provided some more information for each frame and guided the audiences to understand the story in a different way. The use of many adjectives further help to create the atmosphere for the story. 

     This shows that the plot is not the only factor that determine whether a story is interesting or not, but the uses of words and images, as they are the critical factors to help the audiences to understand the story. Even for the same plot and dialogue, different use of words and images make different


9/20/2013 04:23:49 pm

Really love the ways you analyzed both the images and words in details. Well done! This is also my favorite in adopting a 'Tales from the Crypt' style!

is describing the flat life of a man...describes

11/23/2013 06:26:15 pm

I agree that this comic gives a mysterious atmosphere to the original plot but I wonder if there are too many words for comic. I also appreciate the different shapes of speech bubbles which give different tone for the speech.


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