Can one Swiffer commercial send all working women home?

Swiffer commercial (2013) 

We can do it(1943) Sources:!.jpg

Swiffer, a line of cleaning products released a campaign that feature their product Steamboost which is a steam mop that cleaning dirt with a steaming pad.Feminist columnist stating that the campaign is discriminate against women.(  Shortly after these columns released, Swiffer tweeted apologies saying that they are not intend to offend any group with the advertisement and the will make changes as quick as possible.(

The controversial Swiffer campaign feature a female model dressed up as Rosie the Riveter holding the product Steamboost with the slogan “Get a deep clean with steam clean.” Rosie the Riveter is a female cultural icon of America, representing women who worked in the factories during World War II while the male workers were in the military.Feminist mostly criticize the commercial treat Rosie the Riveter as a joke and stereotyping that woman should be cleaning the kitchen.

The truth is although more women in America being the primary bread winner for the household, they still did most of the most of the household activities. (Ref: a company release a commercial try to insult and sexually discriminate against their main consumer? Probably not.

Beside, Rosie the Riveter is should not be a feminist icon.The image was started as a propaganda. When you take a look to the image, you would notice that although Rosie flexing her muscles and wearing a work shirt, but she is also wearing plenty of makeup. The campaign is not created out of goodwill to encourage women to take over the jobs, the government are forced to do that and they still think that women should keep their feminine appeal when doing it.
10/25/2013 02:56:40 am

This ad is very controversial to use a famous feminist Rosie the Riveter, who encouraged all women to get out of the kitchen and housework and to work for the country during the WWII, to promote a steam mop that encourages women to get back to the kitchen and housework. The ad is aimed use a famous historical figure to create a huge irony to attract public attention. However, to people who know about who is she and what she is stand for, the ad is kind of making fun of Rosie the Riveter and giving no respect. For people who don't know her and her statement, the ad is misleading and betrays the real history.

11/2/2013 10:32:33 pm

Well, I agreed that though many women have to work, they are still expected to do the housework. Somehow, men are not expected to do the same. Is that why the company targeted female consumers?
You are right, feminists could well be over-reacting to the ad and the use of an icon in the ad. However, there is also freedom of speech and expression!

11/25/2013 09:41:23 pm

This series of advertisement stereotypes that women should be the one who responsible for the housework. Even though women have to work nowadays, the society still thinks that women is the best suitable person to do all the housework rather than man. In fact, why only women have to do that? Is that the housework relate to "dirty so the women should do all the "dirty" work? Personally, I really don't like people has the concept of "Woman has to clean the house".


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